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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 240 | Beyond Good Intentions. Intentional Habit Formation for Growth Over Time

240 | Beyond Good Intentions. Intentional Habit Formation for Growth Over Time

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Hey C.E.O.-

How does your day typically go? 

Most people wake up and let life happen- unconsciously running from one thing to the next, mindlessly reacting to the next thing that comes their way, unintentionally giving time and attention to what they desire in the moment, with little to no thought to who they are becoming over time. 


Because what we do repeatedly forms… or mis-forms us.

If you’re honest, you may have way more UNINTENTIONAL habits forming you than INTENTIONAL ones. Either way, the question is- who are you BECOMING?

Instead of waking up and living by default- letting newsfeeds, netflix and the next new thing get your time + attention, CONFORMING you to this world…choose to get up and live with intention to be TRANSFORMED to look more like who He is calling you to become.

Once you’ve paid ATTENTION, it’s time to take the next step to creating habits that will form you in the right direction…INTENTION. 

And today we’re gonna take it beyond just good intentions…

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Schedule a 20 min CEO TIME AUDIT…and discover the key to start living beyond getting through another day…and REDEEM your Time in both Life + Biz

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