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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 238 | Feeling Off? Balancing Life with 3 Steps to Renew Your Attention

238 | Feeling Off? Balancing Life with 3 Steps to Renew Your Attention

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Hey C.E.O.

Feeling a little off or a lot out of balance?

Just wanna say it can happen to the best of us.  

In fact, it happened to ME in the last few weeks and I’m a time management coach who helps women build work-life balance….but I WASN’T.

You see, after a few months of being in head-down, blinders-on, get-er-done mode, I wasn’t paying attention to what needed my attention until I crashed…

I got TOO focused on the next thing in front of me to do and got OUT-of-BALANCE.

It affected every area of my life- my faith-walk, my marriage, my friendships, my business, my stewardship, my wellness, my passions, my dwelling…and ultimately my joy. 

Let me just say, I wasn’t very present to God, to others or myself…and it showed (just ask my hubby)

But unlike back-in-the-day when I’d just ignore feeling off and push on, this time I decided to listen to what I knew God was telling me to do-

Pay attention to what I’ve called you to be present to.

Pausing to practice what I preach has made all the difference in what I’m believing, how I’m feeling and where I’m going as I step into this new week…WITH-God.

Although feeling this OFF and OUT of BALANCE is no longer my norm, I know it is for so many of you who are juggling all the things in midlife + biz…and I want you to know I know how it feels.

But it DOESN’T have to stay that way.

So this let’s-push-pause episode is for me (and for YOU)-

the woman who’s a little off or a lot out of balance…and finally ready to admit she’s feeling it and do something about it!

Together let’s follow His direction to REST, REFLECT & RESET our attention.

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


Take the REDEEM Her Time Survey here to get your name in the drawing for a 1 hour Coaching Session with me…and imperfectly imperfect Time Management Coach who knows how it feel when time gets away from you!

P.S. Schedule your BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

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