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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 237 | From People-Pleasing BUSYNESS to Kingdom-Aligned BUSINESS: Chesney’s REDEEMED Midlife CEO Success Story

237 | From People-Pleasing BUSYNESS to Kingdom-Aligned BUSINESS: Chesney’s REDEEMED Midlife CEO Success Story

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Hey C.E.O.-

Ever had a WAKEUP CALL in life that made you RETHINK your time…where it went and the return (or lack thereof) on how you spent it? As busy Christian women, constantly pulled in a million directions, time feels like it flies…

And it’s easy to look back and feel REGRET. 

As a result of a big life change in midlife, Chesney of Health, Hope & Heaven Coaching, found herself facing a lot of regret around where her time went and what she had missed out on….and she constantly felt the GUILT TUG-of-WAR. 

GUILT when she was with her family that she wasn’t working on her business…and GUILT when working on her business that she wasn’t with her family. 

Meanwhile Chesney had been told by the voices around her to fit her biz into all the nooks and crannies of her day, but realized having NO WHITE SPACE was catapulting her towards BURNOUT and missing out on connecting with those she loved… and even MORE REGRET when she wasn’t seeing success in her business.

She started to believe the lie I AM NOT ENOUGH.

But when Chesney joined the REDEEMED Midlife CEO, things started shifting from the inside out.  She laid down the lies of the enemy that were keeping her stuck and started to listen to the one voice that mattered most…HIS. 

Her PEOPLE-PLEASING actions were replaced by KINGDOM-ALIGNED intentions. 

And when unexpected changes happened in her previous business, she had the REDEEMED Midlife CEO biblical mindset, time management and biz growth strategies to say, “Ok God…What are we doing next?” 

He not only RECREATED her heart, but also how she was called to serve with her business. 

You’re gonna love Chesney’s story of how admitting she had holes in her boat, and connecting with the right system + support to plug them and point her in the right direction has her moving where God is leading in this next season of life + biz.

Why am I sharing Chesney’s story with you today? 

Because you may be cramming every minute of the day chasing success, but only finding that you’re not measuring up to what you or others said you should be….and be on the fast-track to burnout.

But when you seek to hear “well done” from the RIGHT VOICE, He shows you that He can do big things in and through you.

So if YOU don’t want to wait for a WAKEUP CALL to leave you feeling regret around where your time is invested and what it’s producing, I invite you to plant a seed of faith like Chesney and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO Program.  

And when you do that by tomorrow, April 19th, you’ll not only save $497 but get to jump in with committed CEOs like Chesney (and me) where we’ll walk through the challenges we face around our time in life + biz together…and even better, WITH God.

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)

Lissa + Chesney

If you’re a midlife mama who wants to see God do a renovation in your Heart + Health…Start by grabbing Chesney’s Busy Moms Meal Plan here

P.S. Learn more about the REDEEMED Midlife CEO…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH-God.

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