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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 236| From Hamster-Wheel BUSYNESS to Faith-Focused BUSINESS: Danielle’s REDEEMED Midlife CEO Success Story

236| From Hamster-Wheel BUSYNESS to Faith-Focused BUSINESS: Danielle’s REDEEMED Midlife CEO Success Story

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Hey C.E.O.-

Feel like you’re constantly on the hamster wheel, going in circles, carrying the responsibility of running a BIZ on top of ALL the other roles you fill…but NOT feeling successful at ANY of them? 

You’re not alone. 

Out of desperation for something to change, Danielle Foxx of 4F Accounting Associates, tried it ALL- the planners, the programs, the I-just-need-to-get-more-organized plans…but NOTHING seemed to work. 

It all just felt like ONE MORE TO-DO and all depended on HER doing more. 

That is until she found REDEEM Her Time and started to center everything she did in Life + Biz around her faith… and stopped doing it all on her own.

She desperately wanted to join the REDEEMED Midlife CEO program, but as a numbers girl, couldn’t see how it was financially possible with her current level of business income. 

So Danielle decided to set aside time to pray and trust Him to provide. And wouldn’t you know… He answered with more than she expected, sooner than she expected!

Not only did He give her a bigger vision for her business to bring her faith into her accounting services for solopreneurs, He also brought more clients than she was praying for, which made investing in her growth possible.  

Now as part of the REDEEMED Midlife CEO, Danielle is first growing her mindset + belief with timeless BIBLICAL TRUTHS, then implementing the practical TIME MANAGEMENT TOOLS + BIZ GROWTH STRATEGIES inside the program to help her focus time on her growth.   

And best of all she’s building a life + biz WITH-God… and finally experiencing REST.  

You’re gonna love Danielle’s story of how a rightly ordered HEART leads to a rightly ordered LIFE + BIZ that’s no longer defined by random busyness, but producing faithful fruitfulness. 

Why am I sharing Danielle’s story with you today? 

Because YOU might be on that hamster wheel too, searching for a solution that will finally shift things in both YOUR heart + calendar.  And right now YOU may think there’s NO WAY you can make it work to invest in your growth too …

But when you trust HIS leading and plant seeds of faith, you get to see how HE shows up even bigger than you had imagined!

If you want to stop spinning your wheels on your own I invite you to take your next step of faith and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO Program

When you apply by 4/19 you’ll not only SAVE $497, but even better get to learn and grow alongside amazing CEOs like Danielle who are committed to growing a WITH-God Life + Biz too. Can’t wait for YOU to join us.

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)

Lissa + Danielle

If you’re a solopreneur wanting to go beyond a plan for profitability to a plan for generosity…. Grab Danielle’s free G.I.V.E. Guide here 

P.S. Learn more about the REDEEMED Midlife CEO…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH-God.

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