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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 235 | Find CONNECTION to Keep from Drifting Back to Should Do’s in Your Business

235 | Find CONNECTION to Keep from Drifting Back to Should Do’s in Your Business

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Hey C.E.O.-

Welcome to the BONUS SESSION of the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO’s Workshop Series where we’re asking the question… WHAT NOW?

But that’s where we run into a problem…often we leave a workshop like this filled up with CONFIDENCE, CLARITY & CONSISTENCY… 

but over time we start hearing all the noise again…

and it’s easy for our attention + intention to fade and soon find we’ve DRIFTED back to listening to all those voices and adding SHOULD-DO’s back on our list.

When you’re on your own, it’s easy to get DISTRACTED.

And when we get distracted we start going in circles of indecision again leading to Untrue Belief #4…I DON’T KNOW ENOUGH.  I DON’T KNOW WHICH WAY TO TURN.

Do you see how that naturally flows from I AM NOT ENOUGH, I’M NOT DOING ENOUGH, I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH? When you focus on the not enough, you’re always searching for a way to fill the gap…often in all the wrong places

But what if you had a voice behind you saying, “this is the way, walk in it”?

Someone directing where you SHOULD GO to build your business?

Today we’re gonna stop LOOKING, LISTENING, TRUSTING and FOLLOWING all the other voices and return to Him to find all that we need in life + biz.

And we’re NOT gonna do it alone…cuz CEOs Don’t do it ALONE.

Grab your workbook at so you can listen to the right voices and never again stand at a crossroads and say, I DON’T KNOW ENOUGH.

And come join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where committed C.E.O.s implement by taking action on what they learn (and grab SURPRISE BONSES)!

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Wanna stay CONNECTED to the System + Support you need as a committed C.E.O. to REDEEM Your Time to build a WITH-God Life and Biz?  Learn more about working with me and submit your application for the REDEEMED Midlife CEO Coaching Program

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