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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 234 | Create CONSISTENCY in When you Work (+ DON’T Work) as the CEO of your Business

234 | Create CONSISTENCY in When you Work (+ DON’T Work) as the CEO of your Business

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Hey C.E.O.-

Welcome to DAY 3 of the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO series where now that we’ve shifted our belief around WHO we are and WHAT we’re called to in Biz…it’s time to start DOING. 

But that’s where we run into a problem…

we often know WHAT we should do, but do we do it with FOCUS + CONSISTENCY?

Or do we spend most of our time chasing all the SHOULD-DOs that keep popping up and demanding or distracting our time? 

Speaking of which, what are you thinking about your TIME lately…

Is it something like…

I have all the time I need for everything I’m called to.

Or is it more like…

If I had time

When I have time

Who has time

There’s never leftover time

I can’t seem to find the time…

If you’re like most busy Christian women juggling all the should-do’s in Midlife + Biz, you probably feel like there’s never enough…then spend your days chasing the clock (or SHOULD-DO list) hoping to get it all in….but you never do, dropping in bed once again frustrated and exhausted, right? 

Our tendency to try to control it comes from Untrue Belief #3…I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME.

Do you see how that naturally flows from I AM NOT ENOUGH and I’M NOT DOING ENOUGH? When you focus on the lack, nothing will ever be enough, including your time.

But each day God graciously + generously lays 24 hours in front of you…. do you trust He knows what you need? It is our DAILY BREAD.

Today we’re gonna stop CHASING TIME as a limited resource to control for our own purposes (and complaining about how much we don’t have) and start RECEIVING TIME as an abundant gift to steward for His eternal purpose (and give thanks for what He’s given)

Grab your workbook at so you can put your time where it matters and never again say, I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME.

And come join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where committed C.E.O.s implement by taking action on what they learn (and grab SURPRISE BONSES)!

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. REDEEM your TIME by grabbing a CEO FIND-the-TIME Audit to look back at where your time is really going…and where you want it to go moving forward.

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