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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 233 | Gain CLARITY on What You Do (and DON’T Do) as the CEO of your Business

233 | Gain CLARITY on What You Do (and DON’T Do) as the CEO of your Business

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Hey C.E.O.-

Welcome back to DAY 2 of the series where instead of adding (or allowing) more SHOULD-DOs to clutter up our calendars & to-do lists, we’re taking time to honestly look at what tasks are filling our time and discerning what we SHOULD DO as a C.E.O…and what we shouldn’t!

CLARITY around WHAT to do starts with CONFIDENCE in WHO you are and what you’re called to.

So how do you feel about WHAT has been getting your TIME lately? 

Is it something like…

I’m crystal clear on what tasks get my YES to produce fruit in my life + biz and have no problem saying NO to what will distract or detour my time.

Or is it more like…

I know I say yes to too many things.

I dread saying yes, but powerless to say no.

I’m a little overcommitted and a lot overwhelmed.

I’m drowning in the regret of too many commitments.

I hope there’s more to life than my to-do list.

If you’re like most busy Christian women juggling all the should-do’s in Midlife + Biz, you’re probably saying YES to too many things…and then realizing how much time, energy and resources they’re actually costing you, right?

Our tendency to say YES to too much stems from the untrue belief…I’M NOT DOING ENOUGH. 

Do you see how that naturally flows from the untrue belief from DAY 1…I AM NOT ENOUGH? As if by saying yes (again) I will finally find fulfillment, satisfaction or success?

But God has NOT called us to do it all…only what HE has called us to.

Let’s push pause on all your DOING- and start deleting, delegating and delaying (with intention) so you can give more time to what’s delighting.

Grab your workbook at so you can put your time where it matters and never again say, I’M NOT DOING ENOUGH.

And come join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where committed C.E.O.s implement by taking action on what they learn!  

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. REDEEM your TIME by registering for the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO’s Workshop Series to get LIVE + REPLAY access + BONUS RESOURCES like the 3 CEO Foundational Decisions for a Well-Built Business WITH-God

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