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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 229 | Putting God First. 3 Tools to Love God Above All Else with an Undivided Heart

229 | Putting God First. 3 Tools to Love God Above All Else with an Undivided Heart

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Hey Friend- 

Over the past 13 episodes in this ABOVE ALL ELSE Lent series, we’ve addressed a number of potential idols to let go of that many of us struggle with in both our lives + businesses…

Our Busyness.  Our Comfort + Control. Our Self-sufficiency. Our People-pleasing. Our Success + Work. Our Security + Wealth. Our Stuff + Dwelling. Our Body Image + Appearance. Our Relationship Expectations. Our Passions + Pleasure. Our Perfectionism. 

Have you noticed a common thread that ties them all together as things that can easily blur the line between a good thing and god-thing? 

I’ll give you a HINT, it has something to do with where you LOOK. 

In this last episode of the series, we’re NOT gonna add one more idol to the list, cuz undoubtedly there will be MANY MORE ways you will be tempted to MISDIRECT your WORSHIP toward something other than God…

Instead we’re going to look at the 3 TOOLS God already gave us as His daughters to not only dethrone our current idols, but also to keep an UNDIVIDED HEART that loves Him ABOVE ALL ELSE for the rest of our lives. 

You ready to pick up these TOOLS with me today?  

Good, cuz you and me both got some idols to GET OFF (and keep off) the thrones of our hearts.

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. REDEEM your FREE Ticket (& Time) by registering for the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO’s Workshop Series April 9-11….and get access to the EARLYBIRD Bonus Guide 3 CEO Foundational Decisions for a Well-Built Business WITH-God

P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

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