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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 228 | Overcoming Perfectionism. 3 Steps to Let Go of Doing Things “Right”

228 | Overcoming Perfectionism. 3 Steps to Let Go of Doing Things “Right”

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Hey Friend, 

What comes up inside when you hear the phrase, 

“Done is better than perfect”?  

  • Great, I don’t care anyway. Perfection is overrated, and honestly, I’ve got better things to do than fuss over every little detail. Let’s just get it done and move on.
  • Good, I’m tired of trying. I’m exhausted from striving for perfection and done is definitely better than perfect at this point. I just need a break from trying so much.
  • No way, I can’t NOT do it “right”. I struggle believing anything less than perfect is acceptable. I always aim for excellence, even if it means sacrificing my time.

No matter your response, there’s a little bit of PERFECTIONISM in all of us.

That’s because we’re made in the image of a PERFECT God, but we have IMPERFECT hearts living in an IMPERFECT world, and we’ll never reach PERFECTION this side of heaven.

So instead of WASTING TIME bowing to the idol of PERFECTION, let’s admit we are NOT good enough, but He IS with the 3 steps to let go of this lesser thing that likely is getting too much of your time, attention + affection

And embrace PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION as instead of looking to yourself to be perfect, you look to Him to perfect you.

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


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P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

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