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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 226 | Pursuing Pleasure. Being a Lover of God through Your Passions

226 | Pursuing Pleasure. Being a Lover of God through Your Passions

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Hey Friend- 

We live in a world full of PLEASURABLE things- from a delightful meal or cup of coffee, to a good book or beautiful work of art, to a breathtaking landscape or historic architecture- as well as many things that stir the PASSIONS often buried deep inside- from building & creating, to teaching & leading to exploring & traveling.  

And we’re told by the culture around us- DO WHAT FEELS GOOD. 

But is that GOOD…or God’s BEST for us?

“When treasured as a gift given by God, pleasurable experiences and personal passions can sweeten our days, captivate our senses, showcase our unique qualities and utilize our giftings But when treasured like a god, pleasurable experiences and passionate pursuits can seduce us away from the giver of all good things.” More than Anything, the Daily Grace Co

So how do we as busy Christian women pursue PASSIONS & PLEASURES in a way that makes God the recipient of our greatest TIME, ATTENTION + AFFECTION?  

The answer is NOT found in doing what feels good in the moment, but in finding HIM as the ultimate source of the delight & joy we experience in the things of this world.

Let’s ENJOY the journey as we look at what’s ultimately on the throne of our hearts….together.

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


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