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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 225| RELATIONAL IDOLATRY. 3 Unrealistic Relationship Expectations to Avoid

225| RELATIONAL IDOLATRY. 3 Unrealistic Relationship Expectations to Avoid

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Hey Friend- Would you say one of the most influential guiding factors behind how you spend your time each day is the PEOPLE you love? 

Your kids, your spouse, your friends are all probably near the top of the list, not to mention your parents, in laws, small group members, ministry teammates, neighbors, clients, peers, mentors, and that’s just the beginning…girl, you got A LOT of people in your life.

If you’re like most busy busy Christian women juggling both midlife + business, it always feels like SOMEONE needs your attention and it’s hard to get to your quiet time or get to your work block or get to the gym or get to bed at a decent hour (or stay there) if you do happen to duck around the corner unspotted…

Cuz SOMEONE always seems to suddenly distract, demand or delay your plans and your time. 

God created us as women with a desire to care for those He’s put in our care, no matter how young or old, near or far…but for far too many of us, we’ve got way too tight a grip and place unrealistic expectations on those relationships-even to the point of putting them on the throne of our hearts.

Which means God gets pushed out.  

That’s what we call RELATIONAL IDOLATRY. 

Before you tune me out, cuz you think you don’t worship your relationships, may I invite you to stick around…cuz it’s not just about what you do, it’s about what you don’t do.  

And where you’re looking for validation that you are loved. 

Girl, I promise, when you get these relationships in the right place in your heart, they’ll be even better…for you and for them. 

You ready to do some heart work and look at how the way we’re trying give or receive love from others could become a lesser thing that gets our time, attention and affection? 

Let’s dive in…and I trust you and I will be better friends afterwards. 

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I’ll donate up to $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.

P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

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