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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 222 | Treasures in Heaven. Finding True Wealth in Secure Investments

222 | Treasures in Heaven. Finding True Wealth in Secure Investments

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Above All Else #6

Houston, we have a problem.

Our treasure (aka our material and financial wealth) has our heart. 

As people living in a very uncertain world with who knows what coming down the line financially, politically, biologically, environmentally, we often grasp for whatever we think will keep us safe when things come crashing down- savings accounts, investments, material goods, solid business plans

Those things may make us feel secure in the moment and may get us through a few storms…but they certainly won’t last long, and one day will be no longer.

Cuz one day there will be a new heaven and a new earth and none of the things we’ve stored up in this life will go with us, nor compare to the immense treasure we have stored up in heaven. 

But even though we may know what the Bible teaches about treasure + security, we still use our time and live like this world is all there is, seeking to find our peace in what it offers… 

All the while our desire for security and + financial gain get more and more of our heart till we’re ready to walk away from His call or worse, can’t even hear it over the noise of all we’ve accumulated. 

So what is treasure on earth?

What is treasure in heaven?

And what does this have to do with you and me as a busy christian women juggling all-the-things in midlife + business in this insecure world?  

I’m so glad you asked…listen in to identify if SECURITY or WEALTH has your heart and where you can find true security that lasts. 

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I’ll donate up to $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.

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