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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 219 | 3 Steps to Take when a Self-Sufficient Heart Leaves You All Alone

219 | 3 Steps to Take when a Self-Sufficient Heart Leaves You All Alone

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Hey Friend- 

“Life is Hard- too hard to manage single-handedly.  That’s why we are needy.”  

That’s a hard lesson to learn when you’re an I-Got-This kind of girl and others see you that way too…is that you too?

Life (+ Biz) IS hard and all of us ARE needy…

Yet we live in a world that seems to glorify self-sufficiency and keeping up an illusion of needing to depend on no one and nothing.  While taking responsibility for your own actions and outcomes is commendable to a point, self-reliance is a way we misdirect our worship from the One we truly need to depend on and those He has put in our lives to walk side by side through the challenges of life + biz.

It’s easy for SELF-SUFFICIENCY to become an idol of the heart.

Especially as busy Christian women who are leading, directing and building lives and businesses that others look up to with awe asking, “How does she do it all?” it’s tempting to push away others and the Lord… 

Cuz WE GOT THIS…or so we think.

All the while our distracted hearts are exhausted trying to keep up appearances, never feeling like we can rest cuz it all depends on us.  

But that’s not what God has called us to as His daughters- He desires most importantly for us to rely on Him, the all sufficient, all powerful, all knowing God and then to live in intentional community because we truly do need others and cannot do life or biz alone.  

Instead of trying to make it look like you’ve got it all together as a solopreneur, let’s admit we can’t do it all on our own- that we need Him and others to help shoulder the burdens and share the joys of life + biz in this world.

You ready to be honest about if SELF-SUFFICIENCY has your heart?  

Good…together let’s admit, I AM NOT ENOUGH.

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I’ll donate up to $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.

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