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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 218 | 2 Ways Holding on TOO Tight has your Heart: Confronting Desires for Comfort Zones + Being in Control

218 | 2 Ways Holding on TOO Tight has your Heart: Confronting Desires for Comfort Zones + Being in Control

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Above All Else #3

Hey Friend- 

Got a too tight grip on the COMFORT + CONTROL of your life or biz lately? 

In a world filled with unknowns + uncertainties, it’s understandable that we desire to stay in our comfort zone and be in control of what happens in our lives and businesses…cuz it just feels better than the alternative of dis-COMFORT and out-of-CONTROL

We desire…

Deep quiet times + impactful ministries

A thriving marriage + well adjusted kids

A growing business + plenty of money in the bank

A clean bill of health + lots of enjoyment in life

Even a clean house, folded laundry and empty sink

Now, there’s nothing inherently wrong with a desire to be COMFORTABLE or in CONTROL, but when we hold on too tightly, we take those roles away from the Lord and put our desires on the throne of our hearts…

Making them idols that separate us from Him and fill our time with lots of striving to keep all-the-things right where we want them to be. 

But when we admit we CANNOT find lasting COMFORT in anything around us, NOR can we CONTROL it all, it causes us to look to Him…the One who truly is the God of all comfort and the One whose control cannot be thwarted. 

We can trust that as we loosen our grip, it’s more secure in His hands anyway. 

And funny how things always end up better when it’s up to HIM… not US!

You ready + willing to loosen your grip and let Him be on the throne of your heart (and time)?  

Good, me too. Let’s LET GO together…

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. HELP ME HELP THEM. Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts and I’ll donate up to an additional $500 to support women in Central Asia who are building a business to provide for their families.

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