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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 211 | How to Know if Negative Core Beliefs are Holding you Back… and what to do about them

211 | How to Know if Negative Core Beliefs are Holding you Back… and what to do about them

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Hey Friend- 

Today we’re gonna go deep, so I hope you’re here for that…May I start out with a deep question-  

Are negative core beliefs holding you back from becoming who God has called you to be and doing what He has called you to do?  

We’ve talked a lot on the podcast about how our beliefs steer our results (hence the STEER Belief Map you’ve heard me refer to)…but sometimes our negative beliefs go deeper than that and require the help of a therapist in order for us to truly change things and move forward…and that my friend has a huge affect on your life, health, relationships and business!  

Now I’m no therapist, but thankfully, I have two good friends who are…

Tim & Ruth Olson have been married for 14 years and have very full lives raising and homeschooling their 5 amazing children as well as running their business. They are followers of Christ and strive to honor Him in all they do. As licensed marriage and family therapists, they have counseled many individuals, marriages, and families over the years, however, they are especially passionate about bringing healing to past trauma that is stifling change and growth and negatively affecting relationships. Together they host “Mr & Mrs Therapy” podcast and recently have launched their coaching program, Coaching with Truth!  

We’re gonna have a deep but impactful conversation today about ESCAPING those negative core beliefs…so let’s go deep together…

Access my STEER Belief Map inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

Follow the MR & MRS THERAPY Podcast and join their FB Group

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)

Lissa + Tim & Ruth

P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO or request a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

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