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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 204 | R.I.S.E.: 4 Steps to Wake Up to REDEEM the Time in a New Year

204 | R.I.S.E.: 4 Steps to Wake Up to REDEEM the Time in a New Year

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Hey friend- Feeling like you need a nap after all the past few weeks have held? I hear ya.  But the problem is, it’s NOT just after the holiday rush that we’re a little SLEEPY…often it’s in our day-to-day living.

How is it possible that while living in the midst of a really busy & distracting world that seems to keep going faster and faster, we can easily get lulled to SLEEP and be UNAWARE of the time passing us by?  

Because even when we’re busy doing all-the-things, too often we don’t live in the present…and we’re not fully present to the moment.  

You can’t go back and change things in the past, so don’t waste your time.

You can’t borrow from the future, so don’t spend your time only dreaming.

We only have this present moment, so RISE to the call He has on your life

Today I want to share with you 4 steps to R.I.S.E in the new year and REDEEM the Time God has given you to be present to the present… so that way another year doesn’t just pass you by….and you don’t miss out on what God has for you.

You ready to wake up and R.I.S.E. with me today?

Grab your spot for the IF ONLY CONFERENCE 2024 at

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO…and discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

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