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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 198 | Prayer for a Successful Business as a Christian Entrepreneur

198 | Prayer for a Successful Business as a Christian Entrepreneur

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Hey Friend- After hanging out together so much last week, I wondered if you might be feeling ALONE…speaking of which, do you often feel ALONE in your business, especially as a SOLOPRENEUR? 

You may not walk into an office with lots of co-workers.

And it may just be “me, myself and I” on the payroll. 

But I want to remind you- YOU ARE NOT ALONE. 

As Christian Woman Entrepreneurs (and most likely  SOLOpreneurs) building a WITH-God Business, He is WITH you. And I believe that means we should start each work day in a business meeting WITH God. 

What should be on the agenda?  

Today I’m gonna share with you 6 things to pray over your business daily so you can really start seeing fruitfulness cuz you’re grounded in Him. 

And besides, YOU’RE NEVER ALONE when you have other like-minded, faith-centered women around you who are also committed to their business growth and want to support yours too…like ME!  

Ready to start meeting with God and talking to Him about these 6 areas? 

Let’s do it!

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Take your next best step and apply to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO …discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time in both Life + Business

Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website

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