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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 189 | Prioritize To-Do’s with 3 Levels of Business Task Management

189 | Prioritize To-Do’s with 3 Levels of Business Task Management

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Hey friend- See if you can relate….  

You block off time to work on your business, but end up getting to your office later than you’d like because you had to call your daughter’s university to check on her financial aid….which of course took longer than you planned.  

Once you finally sit down you open up your laptop and respond to random emails, scroll on random social media, then finally post something random and then realize more than an hour has passed so you dig through your google drive to find that random file for that coaching program idea you started only to get into it for a few minutes and realize it’s time to shut down things down for the day so you can make dinner and get to the women’s ministry meeting at church.  

So much for making much progress on those biz goals… “Maybe tomorrow, ” you tell yourself. 

Doing random things at random times in random order…just gets you random results. 

That’s the principle of sowing and reaping at work…but NOT in your favor.

Instead, today let’s take that simplified list of biz to-do’s from Ep 187 and prioritize them by what to do and when using the 3 levels of priority circles.  

That way next time you sit down to work, you don’t waste any time getting ready to get ready…and you can let go of the busywork and replace it with what will lead to fruitfulness in life + biz. 

Sound like a better plan than NOT having a plan?  It is…cuz I used to be random like that too. So let’s dive in…

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I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time

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