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5 Times in Your Day it’s Good to Multitask Using Your Phone to Grow as a Christian Woman

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Hey Friend- Just curious, what are you doing right now as you’re listening to this podcast?  If you’re like me, your earbud is in while you’re doing something else- hello multitasking!  On today’s episode we’re gonna talk about 2 ways you can use your phone to grow as a Christian woman and my 5 fav times in the day to fit it in…so you actually do it!  

Did you know your chances of reaching a goal go up to 76% when you share it with someone else? 

So no more just saying you wanna grow- get serious and get around other like-minded Christian women who are intentionally growing too!  That’s the best perk of being a REDEEM Her Time Insider…not only do you have access to a system to help you fit in all your good intentions (aka goals) to build enough momentum to grow, but you also get the support you need to make it happen sooner than you think.  Aint no one got time to waste just playing around- so let’s do this.  

In fact, usually I’d say fully focus on just 1 task at a time (aka listening to this podcast) cuz everything else can wait, but today I’m gonna break my own rule and tell you to keep listening while you go to and click the link to join us.

You back?  Let’s talk about the pros and cons of multitasking…and how you can use it to your advantage. 

And you know the teacher in me wants to start with a definition:

Multitasking (n): the performance of more than one task at the same time.  Or the execution by a computer of more than one program or task simultaneously. 

Notice it’s the computer that can actually execute in multitasking mode…for humans, it’s just the performance of  the tasks…which does not necessarily lead to completion or success. 

In fact, it’s often said that multitasking for humans is a myth.  

It’s the concept that we have an ability to split our attention on more than one task or activity at the same time, such as chewing gum and walking.  No seriously, one we often test the limits of is talking on our phone while driving or answering emails while stirring the pot for dinner, or sending a text while our loved one is sharing something important.  

Multitasking can result in wasted time due to trying to switch from one task to the next too quickly and in being prone to errors from insufficient attention. 

You can’t do it all…and you certainly can’t do it all at once. 

But as women we do try, don’t we?  I can clearly picture times in my life I was bouncing a baby on my hip while trying to make lunch or attempting to homeschool my kids, while responding to messages. Needless to say, I usually ended up with food on the floor or a frustrated student because my attention was split. Which meant I had to go back and spend more time redoing it.  It would have been a better use of my time to just do one thing at a time the first time. But sometimes we have to learn the hard way. 

While we may think multitasking helps us be more productive, studies show that it can actually reduce your productivity by reading your comprehension, attention and overall performance.  And now it’s even harder to tune out those distractions because your own distracted thinking slows you down and makes you less aware of the distractions around you. 

This would be a good time to insert a public service announcement in case you need a reminder: Don’t text while driving. 

In fact they say that even having a conversation on the phone with someone while driving increases your chances of a crash. While it may feel safer than texting, according to the National Safety Council, talking on the phone while driving significantly increases the risk of cognitive distractions.  Even if your eyes are still on the road, drivers have been shown to notice about half of their driving environment including traffic signals, signs and the proximity of other drivers. 

Another place we try to multitask is on our computers.  

If you’ve got yours in front of you, stop and count how many open browser tabs you have across the top. I was on a call recently where someone screenshared who had I’m guessing 30 tabs or more…it was so much she couldn’t read them so she’d end up wasting time to click each one to find the one she wanted!  So let me ask you- how many tabs do you have open right now?  

You should work as much as possible in a single browser window at a time…and it actually has a name- unitasking!  

I’ve been making a concerted effort to only have the 1 or 2 tabs that are essential to the task I’m working on- for example, my podcast notes is the only one open right now.  I’ve felt calmer, more creative and can sustain deeper attention for longer periods of time. That’s because I’m not constantly being alerted when a tab has an update or a new message comes in or when there’s something that sounds more fun located just a few tabs away from the one I’m on that…so I’m just gonna pop in real quick.  

Even if you don’t look at the other tabs, your brain is still distracted just knowing they’re there…and suddenly you’re thinking about all the other things you need to do when this task is done, which just keeps you from getting it done. 

Start living life both online and offline in one window. 

Your dinner won’t burn (ask me how I know), your loved one will get a response, your ideas will flow more freely…all because you quit multitasking.

Wait, Lissa- I thought you said this podcast was about times in your day it’s actually good to multitask…was that a bait and switch to get me to listen to this episode?  

No- I’m glad you noticed that there are a lot more cons than pros when it comes to multitasking….but there are times when it can be effective for your growth as a Chrisitan woman, even by using your phone!  Really, it’s true!  

Our phones can help us squeeze in something for growth into an already full life using 2 main apps…

Podcasts and Music.

It doesn’t matter if you have an iPhone or an Android, as long as it’s a smartphone you have access to what we’re gonna talk about today, so let me share the benefits and give you a few pointers and ideas so you can multitask…in a good way! 

Let’s start with Podcasts- I’m sure you can guess why.

Did you know the word podcast was not even a thing before the year 2000? In fact, it was 2004 when it started to pick up traction and people started tuning in. Today it is estimated that over 100 million Americans listen to podcasts monthly.  And for good reason.

Podcasts are so accessible and applicable.  (Not sure if that’s the right use of that word, but I love a good alliteration so we’re going for it.)

Back in the day you had to sit in your living room with the entire family  in front of the huge radio and hope you had a good enough signal, then radios got smaller and you could have one plugged in in your own room to listen to what you wanted, then we had battery operated ones you could carry around and fast forward to now where we have a device that does it all- kinda like a technical swiss army knife.  

Did you know- As of February 2023, there are over 5 million podcasts with over 70 million episodes between them!?!?

No wonder there are so many different ones to choose from- sure you can listen to Bible Studies or Sermons, but you can also listen to shows around your interests, hobbies, passions, problems…everything from how to cook a “Halfway Homemade” meal (I just listening to this on The Simplified Podcast) to how losing sleep affects your relationships (that was an episode on Mr. and Mrs. Therapy) to the latest news on gender issues (this was on Relatable) to how to slow down, be still, rest and live quietly (oh yeah, that was on my last episode)…and that’s just some of what’s in my library. 

As with anything in the media, be sure you do your homework on the worldview and values of the host. 

Now that does not mean that you must only listen to Christian podcasts, but that you do consider where what you’re hearing from is coming… from because as we’ve said many times over in this series, what you listen to shapes you.  If you do know that someone does not hold your same values and does not esteem God and His Word, listen with discernment and compassion and don’t take what they say as Gospel Truth (pun intended)

If you’re listening now, I’m guessing you’re a podcast listener, but I was reminded just recently that not everyone knows the treasure that can be found in that app on your phone so I showed her what’s inside.  Anyone has access…that is if you didn’t delete the podcast app on your phone like my hubby did….I can safely say he does NOT listen to my podcast, but he does get free coaching and makes a great illustration.

So what topics would you want to learn more about?  

Make a short list and then go to the search bar in your podcast app and see what shows pop up. Then listen to an episode or two or a few and if you like it, click follow the show so you get notified in your library every time there’s a new episode. (I hope you already follow the REDEEM Her Time Podcast, if not, go multitask and do that now- it’s the 3 dots in the top right corner). In fact women searching for things like Time Management Tips, Daily Routines, Productivity Habits and Life Balance is how they’ve found this show.  And your review helps boost the algorithm too, so I give you permission to multitask to leave a 5 star written review right now. And TIA by the way. 

Let me caution you on 1 thing to consider with all the options of podcasts out there: how will you keep the Word of God, not just the words of men, front and center in your heart and life? 

I make sure I have my time alone in Bible reading, prayer and memorization before I listen to any podcasts…more on when I do that in a minute….

Next let’s talk about the second app on your smartphone that can help you grow as a Christian woman- Music. 

Similar to how podcasts brought radio-like shows as close as your fingertips, how we listen to our music on has gotten more accessible and portable too…I remember getting a large boom box for highschool graduation with my very first CD (remember Amy Grant?) and from there we graduated to walkmans (both the ones that played tapes and the ones that played CDs called Diskmans) that went with you as long as you had new batteries, then to mp3 players and now to our smart phones.  

Music has a way of shaping our thoughts, feelings and actions. 

Remember the days of mix tapes when you dubbed your faves back to back?  Those are a thing of the past thanks to customized digital playlists.  But it’s fun what you learn about people from what they listen to. Have you noticed how someone’s music selection often reflects their personality or values?

My daughter always plays fun sunshine-y songs that make me think of taking a ride in summer with the top down, my son loves the classic rock with guitar solos that go on and on that I never really paid attention to when I was younger, but have a new appreciation for now, my other son usually puts on country cuz it talks a lot about freedom and loving our country and my hubby, well, let’s just say he has quite the variety- it’s either something loud and crashing or light and worshipful. And me, I fell in love with the love songs and sound of Tyrone Wells so either that’s playing on my Pandora or I’m listening to some Maverick City Music which is spirit-led, heart-felt worship.  

I’ve found that depending on who I’m with and what music is on, my mood is often affected….just gotta make sure that’s in a good way. 

But as with podcasts, it’s important to listen closely to your music- it might just have a catchy tune, but the lyrics may be anti-God or promoting values you don’t agree with.  Have you found how easy it is to get the words to a song in your head?  That’s why if you wanna memorize something,  you should put it to music- I can still recite the 50 states in alphabetical order because I learned the song 50 Nifty United States back in 5th grade…that’s crazy!  So what words are sticking in your head from what you listen to?

Music is a gift God has given His people to use to worship Him from the beginning. 

Speaking of worship music, do you worship outside of Sunday morning or only listen to that kind of music when there are live singers and musicians miked up front on a stage?  Does your music selection make you think of God and love Him more and more?  

Although some legalists would say you should only listen to Christian podcasts or music, that’s not necessarily the case as long as you are being discerning and intentionally including worshipful music as well.  Just don’t be a hypocrite with what you listen to like we talked about on Episode 114

So make sure the words that you’re taking in (whether through podcasts or music) are in alignment with Philiippians 4:8 which says, 

Finally brothers (and sisters), whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Why? Look at verse 9…

What you have learned and heard and seen in me- practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.  

That’s why it’s important to know who and what you’re listening to. 

So back to multitasking and when to find time in an already busy day to fit in listening to a podcast or good music…

Introducing Multitasking Growth and Single-focus Growth.  

I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever just sat down on the couch and listened to a podcast in its entirety (or to an entire album of music for that matter) without doing anything else. Instead, I pair my podcast and music listening with times that I am doing something that does not take the same level of thinking and processing. I do NOT listen when I’m trying to write, read, watch or listen to something else, cuz undoubtedly the signals will get crossed.  

Most of my podcast and music listening falls into Multitasking Growth timeblocks where its’ not going to take any attention away from what I’m doing.  

What are my 5 fav times of day to do this? I’m so glad you asked…

  1. Getting ready in the morning. When I’m a captive audience in front of a mirror doing my hair or makeup, why not redeem that time to fill my mind and heart with what will help me grow and be beautiful from the inside out?
  2. Working in the kitchen.   Whether it’s food prep or dish clean up, if I’m in the kitchen alone, I’ve got something in my ear. This is when I typically catch up on the news from a conservative christian perspective on the Relatable Podcast or finish the latest of one of my faves.
  3. Folding and putting away laundry. Since I choose to not spread laundry out over the entire week, I have a chunk of time on the weekend when I’m washing, drying, folding…and yes, putting away clothes immediately. Love that my tunes or tips can go with me from room to room.
  4. Taking a walk. I’ve timeblocked late in the afternoon after I’m done working on my business but before starting dinner to get out with the dog for a walk. Some days I just walk in silence cuz I need that margin, but other times I listen- it’s like having a friend along when I’m by myself.
  5. Mopping the floors. Between 2 dogs and all the dirt and dust around the Figgy Farm, my dark wood floors show it, so the way I make that task palatable is to put on something to listen to…makes the time go by faster and the dust bunnies pick up quicker too.

And when do I instead engage in Single-Focus Growth? Good question.  

If it’s something I wanna take notes on, I’m sitting down with pen and paper in hand. If it’s something I heard on-the-go and want to process more deeply, I’m all ears. If it’s something I know I want to implement, I’m giving it my total attention. And of course if it’s something someone I love really wants me to hear, I’ll stop what I’m doing and give it my full focus. 

Multitasking can be a good thing after all- just be sure to mind your mind and put it at the right time. 

I’d love to hear about your podcast and music listening habits- What do you listen to?  When do you listen?  How do you listen?

Become a REDEEM Her Time Insider by joining the conversation inside our community and please share all-the-things in our group!  I love that we can get so many great ideas and recommendations from what others listen to.  

Speaking of which, would you mind leaving a 5 star review or sharing this episode or show with a friend?  Let’s spread the word that we can make the best use of our time, even with our phones. 

Thanks for joining me for this episode and until next time, remember…

You DO have ALL the time you need to do ALL He has called you to.

Be available to who + what matters most in this season and in light of eternity…

Cuz you are here for Such a Time as This.  

Binge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge Series

Ep 105  No Time?  The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time Management

Ep 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital Distraction

Ep 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time Boundaries

Ep 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What Matters

Ep 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?  5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day 

Ep 110  3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Busy Christian Woman

Ep 111  Put it down. 5 NO Phone Zones  for Better Time Management

Ep 112  Is your Phone Shaping You?  3 Questions to Ask to Be Transformed by God Instead 

Ep 113  5 Speed Bumps You can Create to Make your Phone Less Accessible and Better Manage your Time

Ep 114  Don’t be a Hypocrite.  3 Steps to Redeem your Phone-Time (and heart) as a Christian Woman

Ep 115 Download these 5 Apps to Love God More and Make Better Use of Your Time

Ep 116  4 Things that are Better that Should Make you Put Down Your Phone, Pt 1

Ep 117  Download these 5 Apps to Love Others More and Make Better Use of Your Phone-Time

Ep 118 4 Things from the Psalms that are Better that Should Make you Put Down Your Phone, Pt 2

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P.S.  And don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcasts to get your name in the drawing for $100 OFF the REDEEM Her Time Coaching Program…coming soon!

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