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A lady on her laptop holding a cup of coffee learning how to set work boundaries.

Get Back Hours in the Day: How to Set Work Boundaries to Work Less Time

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Do you know when it’s time to work on your business and when it’s time to NOT work on your business? Would you like to learn how to set work boundaries to work less time?

For a long time, I thought I needed to get to the end of my to-do list for the day in order to stop working and rest and reset.  But over the years, I’ve come to the realization that not only is my work never finished because there’s always a next thing to work on, but checking every box is also NOT my ticket to closing up shop for the day. 

A Real Life Story

Speaking of which, just a few months ago, I was out running errands and needed to purchase some earrings from a local boutique called Mod Threads owned by one of my CEOs, Libbey. Shout out to Mod Threads! Check out their shopping app. This particular Wednesday, I pulled into a parking spot, grabbed my purse, and went up to the door. When it didn’t open, it was THEN that I noticed the store hours posted on the door.  They were closed on Wednesdays.  In fact, they are closed Sunday- Wednesday and are only open for business Thursday-Saturday.  

As I walked back to my car, it hit me. Libbey set work boundaries to ensure she has time for her family, household, and personal needs It makes sense for a brick-and-mortar business so that Libbey knows when she’s working and when she’s not. So do her customers.

Should On-line Businesses Differ?

What is it about having an online business that blurs the lines so that we’re always open for business?  What would happen if we did set work boundaries by establishing work hours and non-work hours?  

We’d actually get back hours in the day. 

Why?  Because of two things:

  1. The average person is only productively working for about 3-4 hours a day. Any time beyond that is less effective. 
  2. The work we do expands to fill the time we give it. That’s called Parkinson’s Law. Studies have found that work takes 40% longer without a clear ending time.

So if you give yourself all day or all afternoon to work on a project, guess what, it will take that…and then some.  But if you set work hours with a clear ending time, you’ll be surprised at how much more you get done when you give it your full attention and focus. 

Knowing what it’s time for – is it time to work?  Then work.  Is it time to not work?  Then don’t work. 

PROV 25:28 says, “Like a city without walls is a person who lacks self-control.”

A scripture instructing how to set work boundaries.

Many people think self-control means managing anger, but it’s really about mastering desires and impulses, including at work. Examples include checking your inbox, starting the laundry, or doing online shopping instead of sending that email, recording that podcast, or preparing for that call. 

Going back to Proverbs, if you don’t have clear boundaries, anything can come in and take over. That’s not going to produce much growth in your business or your life, right?  

The Solution – Work Blocks

What’s the solution to always working?  Stop always working.  How do you do that?  By setting clear work blocks so that when you’re working, you’re working and when you’re not, you’re not. See how much time you get back in the day and how much more you get done!  

The key is to not only know those work hours and non-work hours yourself but to communicate them to your family, friends, and clients. 

Stop Apologizing

Then promise me this one thing – you won’t apologize for not working.

Stop apologizing for setting time limits, like hanging a “closed” sign as if it’s wrong. Libbey didn’t need to apologize for not working; she was focusing on what mattered most. When business hours resume, she’ll be fully present without juggling home tasks.

When you set work boundaries by setting work blocks, you’ll be more focused, more balanced, and more present in both work AND life. Isn’t that what you truly want? 

Start by using the levels of calling to give your best “yes” to what truly matters in your life and business.

Find the Time Challenge

You’ll want to check out the FIND the TIME Challenge where we dive deeper into boundaries around your time because you are called to more than just your business. There are many other roles and responsibilities that God has given you in this season. I know you want to be faithful and fruitful in all of it. 

Learn more about the levels of calling, how to give your best yes, and how to set boundaries by saying no WITHOUT the guilt.. I’ll send you the 4 Ways to Get Back Hours in your Day Guide for Entrepreneurs along with the brand new REDEEM Her Time Screensaver as my gift to you to help YOU find more time in your day so that when you’re working, you’re working and when you’re not, you’re not.

Comparison and FOMO

When others quickly respond to messages, emails, and post at all hours, it’s easy to compare and feel you need to be constantly available to clients or others due to FOMO.…fear of missed opportunities. Without clear boundaries for work and personal time, you’ll feel constantly pulled in different directions and miss out on both.

But when you do set work boundaries, you ensure that business doesn’t take over life or life take over business. That’s being a good steward of your time.

Success Spotlight: A Client’s Story

Recently Danielle shared,  “Since working with Lissa, I’ve developed daily quiet time habits that have grown my walk with God and have come to realize that my purpose and mission is not a paycheck, but in serving clients with a focus that honors Christ. As I’m learning to order my heart, my days, and my calendar, I am able to use each moment for the purpose God has planned, and my life is more centered and less chaotic. And as a result, I’m better able to prioritize my time each day between my employment, my entrepreneurship, and my everything else.”

Did you catch that? Organizing your heart, days, and calendar to align with God’s purpose—and knowing when it’s time for work, business, and everything else. Who wouldn’t want that?

Wrap Up

You’ll begin to get back hours when you do the two things we’ve covered so far in this series:

  1. Stop always checking in (aka getting distracted by your devices)
  2. Stop always working (aka setting work boundaries) 

Check out the blog, Get Back Hours in Your Day: The Myth of Multitasking to see why the belief that multitasking is your superpower. You’ll see how it’s actually your kryptonite. You’ll learn what to do instead.

Redeem Her Time Community

Consider the following COMMUNITY QUESTION in the Redeem Her Time Community. What is one boundary you’ll put around your work time, and who will you share that with?  Be sure to come join the conversation + the implementation happening inside the REDEEM Her Time Community at

Head over to to check out the FIND the TIME CHALLENGE. I’ll send you the free guide and screensaver…before any more time gets wasted on your devices. 

P.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz


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