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Available for Order Nov 12th


Lady on her laptop learning about how to use wisely the hours in your day.

Get Back Hours in the Day: How to Avoid Digital Distraction

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I’d like to share with you why we’re doing this series on how to get back hours in the day.

Because I hear from busy women that they DON’T HAVE TIME.  

I’m sorry, but no matter how it feels, it’s NOT true. It’s a lie that the enemy wants you to believe, so you’ll stay busy, distracted, and less effective in building the Kingdom—making you less of a threat to him.

The truth is, you DO have time. You have 24 hours in the day. That’s 1440 minutes you get to use at your discretion every single day.  

I want to help you gain back hours in the day that you are currently wasting. That way you can invest it in the Life + Biz God has called you to. 

I invite you to listen to the REDEEM Her Time podcast, episodes 253-256 as we address the four ways to get back hours in the day as a busy Christian woman entre or solopreneur.  At the end of the series, we’ll dive even deeper in the FIND the TIME CHALLENGE to help you uncover the time you’ve been praying for.  

To make sure you have resources to help you on the ready, I’ll send you two free gifts when you register for the FIND-the-TIME CHALLENGE. 

The first is the Four Ways to Get Back Hours as an Entrepreneur Guide. The second is a brand-new REDEEM Her Time Screensaver that will help you be wise with your devices. Plus you’ll get access to all the replays.  Grab your on-demand spot here

Wait until you see the reminder that will prompt you each time you wake up your phone. You’ll also see the theme verse for REDEEM Her Time from Eph 5:15-16:

“Look carefully how you live, not as unwise but as wise, redeeming the time.” 

Digital Device Statistics

I’d like to share the most recent statistics on time spent on digital devices. Did you know that currently in 2024, the average person spends 4 hr 37 min/day on their phone? Ready for a reality check?  Right now, go to settings, then screen time and see what your number is. This isn’t to make you feel guilty but to help you see where your time is truly going.

If we use that average and do the math, it adds up to one day/week, six days/month, and 70 days/year!  

That is over two months’ worth of your life. How much do you truly have to show for it?

If I had a phone since birth, two months out of 50 years would add up to 100 months. Who has time like that to waste? Especially when it feels like there’s never enough time (which we now know isn’t true). That’s why you’ll love this screensaver—it’ll help you decide when it’s REALLY time to be on your phone.

Impact of Digital Device Distraction on Work Time

Even if you DON’T have a biz, just paying attention to when you give your time to your devices will be life-shaping:

      • If you have a business, consider how screen time affects your work;

      • 52% of phone checks occur during work hours.

      • Half of all screen time sessions follow within three minutes of each other.

      • Constantly checking messages and notifications means you’re not truly focusing on your business, even if you think you are. This time spent distracts you from other important things like your family, friends, wellness habits, and having fun.

    Ready for one more eye-opening statistic? 

    It takes 20 minutes to fully regain focus on what you were doing every time you “just check real quick.” Wowzers! 

    So even if you check something once an hour, that’s ⅓ of the time wasted. But for the majority of us, it’s way more than that, which means little to no focused work is getting done. No wonder you’re not seeing the results you’d like! 

    “Lazy” Hands vs. Diligent Hands

    Prov 10:4 tells us, “Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.” 

    Scripture about hours in your day.

    Now I know your hands are technically moving if you’re on your phone, computer, or tablet, but let’s be honest. How often do you have work for your biz planned but it’s way more fun to click and scroll instead?  That’s being lazy with your business time.  Diligent hands, those that intentionally stay focused on planting, watering, and nurturing seeds will see the wealth, aka the fruit.  Your hands may be busy, but are they busy doing the right things to grow your business?   

    Digital Discernment

    The goal here is awareness of how much time you’re throwing out the window every day with your devices and how to exercise digital discernment by consciously making a choice.

    Girl, knowing what you know now about how much time adds up on your devices and how it distracts more time than you realize from the work you’re called to do will help you get back hours in the day.

    And so will finally believing the truth that You. Have. Time

    That’s why one of the most transformational tools I use with my clients is my STEER Belief Map. What you believe steers your results.

    If you believe you don’t have time, guess what? You don’t. 

    But when you trust that God has given you time for a greater purpose, you’ll use your hours more intentionally.

    I get it. You and I both live in an always-connected, digitally-distracted world.

    But that doesn’t mean we have to give our devices so much of our precious time.

    The Gift of Time

    Viewing time as a divine gift to steward, not just manage, helps us avoid wasting it on lesser things.

    Instead of believing you lack time, you’ll value the time you have and invest it wisely. This will lead to abundant results in both your business and life as you follow His calling. Because when you know the value of what you have, you won’t waste it on lesser things.

    Spotlight on Success: A Client’s Story

    After a coaching session together, Heather shared, “If you’re feeling overwhelmed, too busy, or like you don’t have enough time, Lissa is the coach you need. She has been a great help to me in identifying ‘where the time goes’ and how to manage all the ‘busyness’ of the day and of life. I often hear her in my head telling me ‘You. Have. Time.’ And she’s right. We do have time, and she can help you create routines and schedules to tame the chaos! I highly recommend Lissa because You. Have. Time…and she can help you get the most out of it!”

    Find the Time Challenge

    You desire to maximize your time and stay faithful to your life and business calling, right?

    Start by paying attention to how much time you’re “checking in” on your devices. 

    Explore the Find the Time Challenge for the 4 Ways to Reclaim Hours Guide and the REDEEM Her Time screensaver…plus all the replays!

    Device Discernment Tip

    Here’s a tip that’s made all the difference in my time when it comes to checking in on my devices.  Schedule your check-ins. I check messages and inboxes in my daily business start-up routine and again in my daily business shutdown routine. You do need to spend time checking messages and inboxes but with the right intention and boundaries. Without a clear plan, constant device-checking can waste weeks of your time each year.

    Redeem Her Time Community

    Consider the following COMMON QUESTION in the Redeem Her Time Community. What is one boundary you will put around your devices, especially during your work time?  Come share with us inside the REDEEM Her Time Community at and let’s hold each other accountable. See how many hours in the day, week, and month that you get back!

    Head over to to check out the FIND the TIME CHALLENGE. I’ll send you the free guide and screensaver…before any more time gets wasted on your devices. 

    P.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

    Also be sure to check out the blog, Get Back Hours in Your Day: How to Set Work Boundaries to Work Less Time for more ways to get back hours in the day.

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