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Episode 105: No Time? The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time Management

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Hey busy lady…Love that you’re here for another episode, but I gotta start off today with a warning:  You might get triggered…in a good way! 

In fact, my coach recently said, “If you’re not triggered by your coach, you need to get a new coach!”  It’s true- I love being your friend and all, but I’m here as your Christian Time Management Coach and Priorities Protector to push you out of your comfort zone– to do the things with your time you keep saying you CAN’T do…or you wish you COULD do.  

If you’ve ever said you don’t have time, felt like you don’t have time or never want to feel that way, this is for you.  Are you here for changing that? Good, cuz it’s gonna get real UNcomfortable starting today….why?

Cuz we’re kicking off the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge. 

And today I’m gonna share with you the #1 tip to find 1-4 hours in your day for better time management.

I also wanna say, if your coach is not transparent, you need to get a new coach!  

Cuz I don’t have this all perfect all of the time- I’m still learning and growing. Thankfully I’m not who I used to be when my family saw more of the top of my head than the front of it cuz I just had to post one more thing or check one more message or scroll for one more minute or take one more picture….otherwise I’d be missing out on something. Really?  I wish I could go back to that girl and grab that phone out of her hands- she was missing everything that mattered right in front of her and wasted countless hours over the years doing things that really didn’t draw her closer to the Lord or to those He called her to love and serve. Like I said, thankfully I’m not that girl anymore, but I do still have to keep myself in check.

Let’s be honest, this rectangular thing follows us around like a puppy dog (probably more than your puppy dog…or anyone else for that matter) and it takes up your time- probably more than you know. Gone are the days when a phone  was attached to the wall with a cord that only reached so far so you left it there and went about your day…or the days of a phone with an antenna that only had so far of a range in the backyard and needed to sit on the base to recharge.  Now we have this unlimited roaming device that is either in our pocket, or in our hand nearly all of our waking hours.  

The statistics are staggering.

Studies have shown the average American spends 2 hours a day on their phone…and the other day I read a new study that said now it’s closer to 4 hours a day!  (And that’s just average!)  Let’s get real- the average woman checks social media 63 times a day…which is 5 times an hour…which is about once every 12 min!  What?

No wonder most women say they don’t have enough time…it’s being sucked up by our device!

So let me ask you- Do you know what your screen time looks like?  

Do you even want to know?  

At this very moment I’m guessing you’ve got your device within arm’s reach cuz you’re listening to this podcast…so go to settings, then screen time and see what it says. I’m serious.  If you’re multitasking, stop now and go look.  You’re gonna need this number in mind for what we have to talk about on today’s Timely Tip.  

What’s your number?  (If you have it turned off cuz you don’t want to know, toggle that switch on now girl…I promise, you’ll thank me for it cuz you can’t change something you’re not aware of). Are you above average or below average? No shame, no story- just the facts ma’am. I’m not here to judge. Either way, if it’s more than 1 hour, CONGRATS…you’ve just found your missing time so you can’t say you don’t have enough ever again.  

Here’s the bigger question, no matter how much time is lost to your screen, what’s the effect of that time on you, your relationships and your life?  Are you seeing the sunrise and the clouds in the sky?  Are you seeing the important tasks that need your attention? Are you seeing the eyes of the person in the room with you?  Probably not…or not as much as you’d like, right? I’m with ya girl cuz like I said, this is still something I have to be mindful of.  

Being so accessible to our technology means we’re not as available to who + what matters most. 

More on the effects our devices have on our health, relationships and lives in our next episode….for now, did you know studies show our screens become an addiction that constantly demands our attention.  I had a friend tell me recently that she feels like she needs to keep scrolling cuz she might miss something- what she’s looking for might be just a few swipes away…all the while life is passing her by. It’s passing us all by. 

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be controlled by anyone or anything- except the Holy Spirit…can I get an Amen?!

Don’t think you’re addicted?  Here’s a test- put your phone out of sight for 24 hours (or even 6 hours or 4 hours or 2 hours or 30 min) and notice…how do you feel? Are you anxious or worried?  Feel like you’re missing something or missing out? Do you feel the need to document every moment in a story or to see who reacted to your last post? Are you reaching for it out of habit when there’s a lull, even for just a few minutes?  

Our phones do NOT lead to better time management…unless you REDEEM your phone-time.

Just so you know, I’m not saying to throw your phone out the window for 40 days (although that may sound heavenly to you)….Wait- WHAT?  This challenge is 40 Days?  Yes, it’s 40 days, cuz we’re gonna do this as a type of fast during the Lent season.  And my plan is to offer the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge at least twice a year to keep us mindful…and honest.

We live in a modern world where our phones connect us to people and information that are essential to our lives and well being (or so we think) so it’s not wrong to have them and we can’t earn any more of God’s grace (like we talked about on Episode 103 by not using them…so together, let’s redeem them.  I remember being challenged by the concept of redeeming something for good when my kids were little around Halloween. I don’t know if you celebrated that day with dressing up and going out, but I came across a book by Focus on the Family called Redeeming Halloween which challenged me to rethink it- instead of throwing it out as a tool of the devil, how could we as believers use the opportunity of our neighbors literally knocking at our doors to share the love of Christ and build relationships?  Anything the enemy intends for evil, God can redeem for good, right?  

The same is true of our phones- so instead of saying they’re only evil, we’re gonna take a long, hard, honest look at our relationship to our phones, how they distract us from God’s purpose for us (to love Him and love others- that’s the greatest and second greatest command if you remember) and how they can actually move us to love Him and others more.

We are going to learn how to use our phone-time well. 

There’s so much coming over the next few weeks as we dive into this challenge that I can’t wait to share, but for today we’re starting with awareness- noticing how much time and attention goes to your phone. Cuz like I said, you can’t change something you’re not aware of.  And starting thinking about what you want your phone-time to look like- better yet, what God wants it to look like in light of eternity.  Cuz if our time on this earth is limited, we better use it wisely.  

Which brings us back to our core verses for REDEEM Her Time from Ephesians 5:15-16…

Look carefully then how you live,  not as unwise, but as wise, REDEEMING the time (ie phone-time) because the days are evil.  

What- EVIL?!  Isn’t that a little much Paul…and perhaps a little outdated in this modern world? 

No, as always, the Bible is spot on thousands of years later. Even though we may not be facing direct persecution like Paul and the Ephesians he was writing to, the world we live in is not conducive to using time wisely (aka redeeming it)- especially for the purpose of growing in our love for God and others.  Today’s world is full of active evil- numerous thieves of our time to keep us distracted, which is one of the enemy’s best tactics…we’ll cover that more next time.

For now, decide to be aware.  And decide to make a change.

In fact, inside the REDEEM Her Time Community (did you hear it’s now FREE….forever?) we’re going to hold each other accountable to really sticking with this phone-time challenge for 40 days and making it a lifestyle change.  Cuz left to ourselves, you know what happens… you start off with great intentions…and then get distracted- probably by the very thing you are working to not be distracted by, right?

That’s why we’re better together.

Technically the Lent season starts Feb 22nd, but we’re already having conversations inside the Community and I’ve put together a resource just for you to guide you along the way- to identify where you are, write down your why to change, your specific monthly, weekly and daily goals and track your phone habits over the 40 days…and then reflect back on your experience to see what happened and how to continue the good things. 

If you’re already in the group, you can go grab that resource now…and if you’re not, what are you waiting for? You know you need to better steward your phone-time.  I promise you (and everyone around you) will thank me for it.  

And I’ve got a special gift for you to help keep it top of mind- it’s a REDEEM Her Phone-Time Wallpaper to use as your screensaver…that way, when you pick up your phone, you’ll see our Ephesians verses first and think to yourself, “Is what I’m about to do with my phone REDEEMING my time?” 

Guaranteed you’re gonna think twice… and not just spend less time on your phone, but more time on your life!

So are you up for the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge?

Here are your next steps:

  1. Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (for free)
  2. Download the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Guide (inside the group)
  3. Save the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Screen Saver (in the group too)
  4. Chime in on the conversation about your phone-time inside the group

You may be surprised at how much MORE TIME you find in your day. 

And I’ll be with you every step of the way. 

Thanks for joining me for this Timely Tip episode and until next time, remember…

You DO have ALL the time you need to do ALL He has called you to.

Be available to who + what matters most in this season and in light of eternity…

Cuz you are here for Such a Time as This.  

Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website at

> Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)

> Get the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Guide + Screensaver (inside the group)

> Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session 


P.S.  And don’t forget to leave a review to get your name in the drawing for $100 OFF the REDEEM Her Time Program…coming soon

Hey Never-Enough-Time Girl…

If you’ve ever said you don’t have time, felt like you don’t have time or never want to feel that way…this is for you.  

Are you up for changing that? 

Good, cuz it’s gonna get real UNcomfortable starting today….why?

Cuz we’re kicking off the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge. 

And on today’s Timely Tip,  I’m gonna share with you the #1 tip to find 1-4 hours in your day for better time management….plus truth from God’s Word to move you to change when it comes to your phone time. 

Get ready, cuz you’re gonna get some tough love…and a challenge to join us to do something about where too much of your time is going. 

So grab something to write with, open up your heart and calendar…

And let’s get started…

I pray this blesses, challenges… and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to all the resources + an opportunity for a free 15 min Strategy Session here

P.P.S. And join the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge inside our Community here

P.P.P.S. You can still get your name in the drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on apple podcasts (borrow a friend’s apple device if you need to)

Law of Compensation
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