Do you often feel alone in your business, especially as a solopreneur?
You may not walk into an office with lots of co-workers.
It may just be “me, myself and I” on the payroll list.
You might not hear, “Great job on that project” from a boss
But I want to remind you- YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
As Christian Woman Entrepreneurs (and most likely solopreneurs) building a WITH-God Business, He is WITH you. And that means He wants to be part of EVERY area of your life, including your business, because He’s the one who gave it to you.
That means we should start each work day in a business meeting WITH God.
Chances are, you as the CEO (Christ-Empowered Operator) DON’T know all you need to know to build your business so that it is SUCCESSFUL + FRUITFUL, but guess what…
The Chairman of the Board (aka God) does. And HE’s the one who makes sure you’re in alignment with His bigger purposes in all that you do in both life + biz.
SO…How do we let Him lead us and our businesses?
Great question…it’s simple, yet sometimes hard to do as a go-getter entrepreneur. His word tells us to simply trust Him and submit to Him and He will show you the way.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Prov 3:5-6
So what should be on the agenda when you have your morning CEO meeting WITH-God?
6-part Prayer for a Successful Business as a Christian Entrepreneur
Whether you’re already praying over your business daily and want to change things up or you simply want to start, here are 6 things I’ve been praying over my business daily for some time that have shifted everything in both my heart and calendar…and I thought they might do the same for you.
Pray then like this- that your business will be…
- BUILDING HIS KINGDOM. I hope you don’t ever get tired of me reminding you that your biz (+ life)… ARE NOT ABOUT YOU! So often we are busy building our castle in sand, but in the end only one kingdom will last…and it’s NOT YOURS. So don’t waste time focusing on yours.
Focus on His. Pray first that HIS kingdom would be built today by what you think (based on His truth) + what you do and don’t do (based on His direction) and that the fruit of it will not be to make you look great, but to make Him look great- not to cause others to look at you, but to look at Him…
“Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” Matt 6:33
- FILLING WITH JOY + GRACE. When we recognize that by being in relationship WITH God we are the recipients of His joy and grace, pray that it will be to the brim so that way it overflows into everything you do (including how you react when you get bumped!)
Pray for more of his Joy and more of His grace…ever wondered what prayers He will for sure answer YES? This is one of them because it builds His Kingdom so pray it all day long! In fact, Paul prayed in nearly all of his letters that God’s children would be filled with ALL the things of God…
“And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” Philippians 1:9-11
- PROTECTING WITH BOUNDARIES. Remember your time is from Him and we are just stewards of it- as one who has been entrusted with the safekeeping of something. So are you stewarding your time well (aka protecting it)? I don’t know about you, but I can’t do this alone cuz there are certainly a LOT of duties, demands and distractions that are always wanting to barge in…so I want and need to set healthy boundaries around my time…and I need His help to do that.
Pray for boundaries around your time- is it in protecting your refills with Him? Or protecting family time? Or protecting work time? Or protecting you from saying YES to too many things? (aka saying NO) Remember, a boundary is not intended to be exclusive, but actually inclusive. It puts a hedge of protection around what is valuable inside its borders so that it has what it needs to flourish and grow and does not get trampled down by everything else.
“Look carefully then how you live, not as unwise but as wise, redeeming the time because these are difficult days.” Eph 5:15-16
- DISCERNING INVITATION vs DISTRACTION. With so many requests coming our way from every which way all day (and night), we need some discernment as to what is an invitation from Him vs a distraction from what He’s called me to- that ‘s one of the Enemy’s favorite tactics by the way cuz he knows if he can keep us distracted, he can keep us from being a threat to his kingdom in this world…so let’s not let him win by default.
Pray and ask for wisdom to discern what’s an invitation and what’s a distraction. This is where it’s really important to be in tune with His Spirit’s leading because when your heart is aligned with His, it will be evident what is of Him…and what will only take away from that.

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Ps 37:4
- EXPANDING YOUR IMPACT. I’m not here to play small, in life or in business…in fact my coach often says that playing small is a sin…sit with that one for a minute. Just as in the parable of the talents (aka the parable of the servants and what they did with the talents), the Master’s desire was for what He had entrusted to his servants to grow in value. And isn’t that what God wants for our businesses? It’s about growing our reach with whatever it is He has given to us to serve others with- whether that’s physical products or online services or leadership and coaching…when it’s done WITH Him and for Him, it expands His kingdom.
Pray the prayer of Jabez- not so that you can be great, but so that He can be great! And if you’re in business, do you know one of the ways to measure the reach of your impact? The size of your income. God blessing the expansion of the impact of your business will most likely result in expanding your income. So go ahead and ask Him to expand your impact (aka your business territory) for the glory of Him!
“Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, ‘Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory!” 1 Chron 4:10
- GLORIFYING HIM. If it’s truly all for Him, through Him and to Him, end your conversation by making all about Him. Pray that your words will glorify Him, that your actions will glorify him, that your interactions will glorify him, that your response to distractions and interruptions and opportunities and expansion will all turn your heart and others’ back to Him.
Do you think that asking that your business ultimately glorify Him is according to His will and a prayer He will answer…for sure! So pray then like this….
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.” 1 John 5:14-15
6 Things to Pray over your Business Daily as a Christian Entrepreneur
Pray that your business will be
- Building His Kingdom
- Filling with Grace + Joy
- Protecting with Boundaries
- Discerning of Invitations vs Distractions
- Expanding in Impact
- Glorifying to Him
Some days I pray all 6, and others just focus on 1 or 2…but I never (or hardly ever) start a work day WITHOUT coming to Him first!
And I challenge you to NOT start your day without it either.
Which of these 6 requests for your business stands out most that you want to commit to praying regularly?
I’d love to hear so be sure to come share inside the REDEEM Her Time Community.
Did you notice the gurus aren’t teaching this important key to success?
Better yet, wanna pray over our businesses together? Of course this is part of the REDEEMED Midlife CEO, cuz this is how committed faith-centered CEOs talk with their chairman of the board…and each other!
Now… before you go check another task off your biz to-do list, make talking to Him a priority.