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Women standing next to French doors getting ready to teach about building your CEO belief in you specific area of expertise.

Build CEO Belief in Your Specific Area of Expertise: 5 Keys

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“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” – Ephesians 2:10

Do you truly believe you’re a CEO- a Christ Empowered Operator of your WITH-God Life + Biz?

Consider the importance of CEO belief. If you were hiring a CEO of a Fortune 500 Company, wouldn’t it make sense that you’d be looking for someone who believes she’s the right girl for the job, someone with the specific area of expertise you’re looking for? Of course, it would.

She would put together a resume with references for the board of directors showing her proven track record of training, talents, and results to demonstrate that she is not only qualified, but confident in her ability to take the company to the next level of growth…cuz without that level of belief, that girl wouldn’t get the job.

Do YOU have that level of CEO belief?

As a Christian woman Solopreneur, you ALREADY have everything you need to elevate your CEO belief …cuz God already put it in you.

So now you need to build that CEO belief in YOU. Whether you need to build it from the ground up or wanna strengthen the belief you’ve already built, we’re gonna use my 5 P’s Method to build your CEO belief rock solid…So you never again ask the question- WHY ME? And not have a solid answer.

Sara Blakely. Katrina Lake. Whitney Wolfe Herd. Jennifer Hyman

Do you recognize any of these names? They are all women who have demonstrated innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship in building successful companies that have disrupted industries and changed the way people approach various aspects of their lives.

Sara Blakely– CEO and founder of Spanx, the leader in women’s shapewear
Katrina Lake – CEO and founder of Stitch Fix, an online personal styling service.
Whitney Wolfe Herd – CEO and founder of Bumble, a popular dating & networking app
Jennifer Hyman – CEO and co-founder of Rent the Runway, a fashion rental service

When looking at powerful women with a specific area of expertise like these, it may be easy to jump to, “I’m not in that category of women”…but I’m here to tell you that you are…and I’m gonna prove it by looking at what God says and what your life says.

God’s word reminds us that whether it’s the time, resources, or ability we need cuz we don’t think we have it in ourselves…He has more than enough.

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8

Elevate your CEO belief – your BEST CLIENTS are looking + praying for YOU!

As if that wasn’t enough, be encouraged by this truth…

“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” 2 Peter 1:3

He planned for YOU to build His kingdom through what He’s given you.

Don’t get caught in the trap of comparison or achievement trying to prove it to yourself, to others, and to Him. Ultimately what you need is NOT a greater knowledge of business or leadership or marketing strategies or email sequences…it’s a greater knowledge of HIM!

So how do you build that CEO belief that you are the expert He’s made you in your specific area of expertise?

How do you confidently answer others, and yourself, when the question comes up, WHY ME?

By believing the truth we just read from Scripture, by partnering with His Spirit, and by looking at the breadcrumb trail He’s left behind you with the 5 Ps to build your CEO Resume…

Ready for the 5 Keys?

Patterns. People. Prodding. Possessions. Peace.

PATTERNS: I don’t know about you, but my brain likes patterns. It helps me to make sense of what seems random and disconnected and to create some order. At first glance, patterns may be hard to decipher, but if you look closer, they inevitably show up over time. Remember how God called Jeremiah to be a prophet to the nations? Despite Jeremiah’s initial reluctance, God affirmed his calling through signs and visions, equipping him to proclaim God’s message faithfully.

PEOPLE: Now we can’t always go off of what others think we should do, but when people who truly know you and aren’t just trying to make you into a mini-me point out what they see in you, it can be very insightful. Like when God put Paul in Timothy’s life who saw potential in him. Paul mentored Timothy, encouraging him to use his gifts and fulfill his calling as a leader and preacher in the early church.

PRODDING: Sometimes we don’t notice things the first time, or the second or third to be honest. But when they are pleasantly persistent, it’s hard to ignore. Kinda like God calling to Samuel. At first, he didn’t know whose voice it was, but once He did, he clearly heard His calling. So start to notice what things keep coming up, what things you keep circling back to, or what you can’t seem to get away a good way.

POSSESSIONS: I love the story of when Jesus and His disciples were facing a hungry crowd with no stores or stoves in sight and he told them to give them something to eat. Did you notice He did it with what they already had? They thought they needed more, but He not only made it enough, He made sure there was a basket of leftovers for each of them as a reminder.

And last but not least…

PEACE: Sure there’s a lot of the unknown when you’re stepping out to do something big for the kingdom, but have you noticed there’s also a sense of settledness that you experience at the same time? That’s when you know it’s from Him, cuz left to ourselves we’d naturally get caught up in fear, doubt, and worry. Did you notice that after all Gideon’s questions and requests for a sign, once He heard the enemies telling of their defeat through a dream, he worshiped God as the God of Peace, even before the battle?

Now take a minute to prayerfully journal about the 5 P’s and ask HIM to show you what He’s put on your CEO resume. I’ll share specific journaling questions for each P inside the REDEEM Her Time Community. Plus that’s where you’ll find the accountability + support to not only take the time to prayerfully answer, but to faithfully apply it to your CEO belief in what you’re called to.

Pour out in service to those who need your specific area of expertise.

Girl, do you believe me now? YOU are a CEO- not because of what’s in you, but because of WHO is in you…and what HE has put inside you to prepare you for this exact purpose – to pour out in service to those who need your specific area of expertise.

You’ll constantly waste precious time, resources, and energy when you keep questioning it, comparing yourself to others, or trying to find it through more achievement. But when you go to His Word and follow His Spirit and godly counsel, you will build your CEO belief such that it cannot be shaken because it’s built on a solid foundation…Him.

Text image that read, "With a confident answer to the question "Why Me?" you'll start showing up like the CEO you're called to be."

By the way, WHY ME? is the first of the 3 CEO Foundational Decisions found in Bonus Guide that comes with the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO’s Workshop Series. After you build your CEO Belief with this guide, you can work on the next two foundational CEO decisions- WHY HER? (aka your best client) and WHY THIS? (your best offer).

Girl, pausing to get clear on the answer to these 3 questions will build your CEO belief in the specific area of your expertise in business so when you take action you’re NOT wasting time on all the RADOM things everyone else says you SHOULD-do…instead you’ll be focused on what you WILL-do because it’s what He’s called you to.

Let’s just say, step aside Sara Blakely- this CEO is on fiyah WITH-God!

Wanna grab the 5 Ps Journaling Questions? Come join the party for conversation (+ implementation) with other faith-centered women inside the REDEEM Her Time Community.

Wanna make the best use of YOUR time? Take your first step to applying for a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

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